Proper artificial lawn and turf installation is key to ensuring the products work as they are designed to. At Construart Pavers Co we bring extensive experience paired with our selection of premium products to the yard that other turf installation companies simply cannot match. Whether you’re looking for PGA-tour-quality backyard putting greens or a lush, low-maintenance lawn, we have the solutions you need. All artificial turf installations are backed by a 15-year product warranty for true peace of mind. We pride ourselves on the superior level of service and care we offer our customers and look forward to helping you with your artificial turf installation needs.

The amazing benefits of artificial turf installation

  • No need for watering, mowing, or other lawn maintenance

  • Safe for children and pets

  • Always have a great-looking lawn

  • No fertilizers or pesticides required

  • Saves you money in the long run

  • It’s an environmentally-friendly choice

  • Always have a great-looking lawn

  • Frees up more time that can be spent relaxing


Nothing will be more significant to you than the safety of your kids. When you are selecting a playset for the children you must consider what lies under the set. It doesn’t matter whether you are on a public or private playground, most of the injuries take place on hard surfaces. This is where artificial grass can make a massive difference to the look and feel of your yard. More importantly, it positively affects the safety of your kids. Having soft padding provided by artificial turf ensures safety and it is constructed to not display wear and tear. Here are some benefits of using synthetic turf installation for playgrounds.

  • It is non-allergic.

  • There are no more grass stains.

  • You can use it for targeted trampling areas.

  • Develops softer play areas.

  • Terrific water draining capabilities.

  • Easy on the skin.

  • It is durable for all climates.

While installing the artificial turf, safety will be the top consideration for the Construart team. While kids are playing with their playsets there is a clear possibility of children falling and landing on hard abrasive surfaces. By using synthetically blended playground turf we will develop a safe and kid-friendly surface. Our turfs are being used by hundreds of playgrounds and kid play areas across the country. The synthetic turf installation by Construart is guaranteed to last through all the seasons you get in California. You can also get a no-hassle warranty with the installation. The grass is soft to the touch and it is non-abrasive to the skin.


Infill is often a key component of most artificial turf installation processes. Infills are designed to support the individual blades of artificial grass so that they remain upright, giving the turf its natural look and feel. At Construart Pavers we offer top-of-the-like infill products to give your artificial turf the support it needs to maintain its realistic appearance and feel for years after installation.


One of the biggest questions homeowners have regarding artificial pet turf is whether or not it is safe. Typically the answer depends on the turf company and the quality of the products they install. At Construart we only use high-quality products to create the best artificial grass for dogs.

As part of the installation process for pet turf, we recommend using Zeodorizer artificial turf infill. This is a safe, all-natural infill that was formulated with pets in mind. Not only does it help neutralize harmful bacteria and prevent ticks and other pests, but it also helps control odors that derive from pet waste thanks to its Zeolite Pumice properties. The infill is also designed to keep the surface cool and comfortable, so the artificial grass will rarely get too hot for dogs, even during those hot summer days.

Our pet turf products are also designed to provide superior drainage, meaning cleaning up after your pet is much easier. The pet turf backing allows liquids to immediately leave the surface. This makes it incredibly simple to clean and sanitize the turf as needed. The optimal drainage features also prevent puddling, which will help prevent dogs from tracking the outside mess indoors. As you can see, artificial turf is truly the one and only solution for a clean and space for your four-legged companion.


  • Remains cool and comfortable, even during the summer

  • Makes cleaning up pet waste easy

  • Eliminates dirt and mud messes that result from digging

  • Offers superior drainage — no more yellow urine spots on your lawn

  • Allows you to utilize limited space that your dog will enjoy

  • Durable, long-lasting, and beautiful year-round

  • Specialized infall provides odor control

  • Great for all types of dog breeds

  • Requires very little maintenance


Football • Soccer • Baseball • Golf

Less Maintenance

Your field requires a lot of maintenance and nobody knows that better than you. Kick after kick and play after play, your natural grass can take quite the beating after just one game and it can be difficult to repair between matches especially if you have several games per week or if your field is shared by other teams. Installing artificial grass for sports in place of natural grass, frees you up to let your turf take care of itself. This not only saves time for you but also cuts costs by eliminating the need to pay field maintenance crews for regular upkeep.

No Mess. No Patches. No Fuss.

Football, baseball and soccer fields get torn up quickly. From kicks to cleats and everything in between, your game field has to stand up to a lot of heavy duty traffic. This often means that after a game… your field has scuffs, kicked up dirt and holey splotches left over from a rigorous game against the other team. This can be a real pain to remedy especially in a short amount of time. Wholesale turf nixes the need for cleaning up dirt, re-planting seeds and sod and having to worry about repairing holes created by overzealous players. When you are not having to worry about the condition of your field, you can focus on more important things like better plays, better conditioning and a little time too.


Natural grass collects and produces allergens which become airborne when your team is on the field. This can create a playing field that can be a real concern for players, coaches, and fans with allergies and asthma. Artificial grass is allergen-free and allows your team and your audience to enjoy the game without wheezing, sneezing, or coughing. This means less time on the bench and more time in the game.

Predictable Surfaces for Better Game Play

Natural fields have unique quirks where some areas may be slightly elevated or mushy. Other areas may have small holes kicked up from gameplay which can become a hazard. This can create an unpredictable playing surface that can lead to injuries, missed plays, and lost games. Creating a playing field that is consistently smooth is safer for the players.

No Puddles

Rain can spoil a great game fast and leave your team sitting on the sidelines. Standing water on your field can lead to spills and slips for your players but it can also make gameplay difficult and uncomfortable. Artificial grass is designed to drain away any excess water, keeping your field dry and ready for your next power play against the opposing team.

No Harsh Fertilizers

Playing fields are notoriously hard to maintain when it comes to keeping the grass growing evenly. This means adding fertilizers that can need time to sit before your team comes on the green. It can also mean exposing your team to harsh chemicals which can be bad for their health. Using artificial grass for sports means that you will never need to use fertilizers on your field again. This protects your players but it also protects your investment, saving you money on unnecessary added expenses that take away from your team’s funds.

No Pesticides

Perhaps more concerning for player health than fertilizers, pesticides contain a bevy of dangerous chemicals that can negatively affect your players’ health. Pesticides have been connected to diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer’s and ADHD along with other ailments which can be lifelong or serious. Not only have pesticides been linked to health concerns but they also negatively affect the environment around you. Vapor drift can spread to other pieces of nearby land, killing local wildlife such as frogs and other species. Water runoff can also be a problem, sending dangerous chemicals into nearby ponds, lakes, or rivers and even seeping underground to affect drinking water. Artificial grass eliminates the need for pesticide use, protecting the health of your players, your community as a whole, and the environment — all in one swift swoop.

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